Last week our co-founder Heidi Daniell had the privilege to judge the finalists from over 34,000 nominations for the The WOW! Awards 2023. Results will be announced at the Gala Ceremony in London on 28 November – the first to take place in five years.

For those who don’t know, the WOW! Awards provide employee recognition programmes, based on customer nomination and feedback on service received. They’re used around the world by organisations who are customer-centric and people focused, helping discover stories of service excellence that would be otherwise left untold.

Heidi commented ‘I’ve judged the awards quite a few times now, and each time the quality of the submissions gets better. This year I heard many heartfelt stories of people in difficulty and how the service provider recognised the need and go way outside of their regular remit to do their best in a selfless manner.’

‘During a time when the empathy gap seems to be widening, it was inspiring to hear about so many acts of genuine kindness and support. It's truly refreshing to see so many organisations supporting their staff through the Wow! Awards to make a real difference to people’s lives.'

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