Webinar 1: Team Empathy

The first in a series of three ‘Empathy Factor’ webinars from Accelerator to support National Work Life Week (12-16 October).

In these ambiguous times, empathy is an even more critical factor in building confidence within teams. A LinkedIn/Mental Health Foundation study earlier this year showed that people were working longer hours from home and over half were feeling more anxious. More recently, 20 UK businesses told us they felt internal effort was high and purpose was clear, but only 25% felt their managers had the right empathy skills and less than half felt their teams were confident in delivering service.

Join the Accelerator team for this interactive and engaging webinar where we will be sharing thoughts, tools and tips to

  • Help people with their re-entry anxiety
  • Build understanding of each other – recognising concerns, anxieties, stresses and also hopes & desires
  • Create an engaged and motivated team that feels valued

Click below to register

Thursday October 15 2020 11:00 AM in London

Thursday October 15 2020 14:30 PM in London


Webinar 2: Customer Empathy
The second in a series of three ‘Empathy Factor’ webinars from Accelerator.

In these ambiguous times, empathy is an even more critical factor in building confidence amongst customers. Recently 20 UK businesses told us that, whilst they felt their purpose and policies were clear, only 25% felt their managers had the right empathy skills. Less than half felt their teams were confident in delivering service and only 15% felt that service was being delivered consistently.

Join the Accelerator team for this interactive and engaging webinar where we will be sharing thoughts, tools and tips to:

  • Deliver consistent service that reflects the customer context
  • Set your business apart from others
  • Build customer confidence

Click below to register

Wednesday October 21 2020 11:00 AM in London

Wednesday October 21 2020 14:30 PM in London


Webinar 3: Leader Empathy
The last in a series of three ‘Empathy Factor’ webinars from Accelerator.

In these ambiguous times, empathy is an even more critical factor in building confidence in leaders. Recently 20 UK businesses told us that, whilst they felt their purpose was clear, only 25% felt their managers had the right empathy skills and even fewer said they were confident in having ‘challenging conversations’. Leadership behaviours were not seen as adaptable enough and some may be struggling to align personal and organisational values.

Join the Accelerator team for this interactive and engaging webinar where we will be sharing thoughts, tools and tips to help leaders:

  • Give clear direction whilst demonstrating strong empathy
  • Adopt an agile approach that reflects the current pace of change
  • Create a culture of internal support plus service excellence

Click below to register

Thursday October 29 2020 11:00 AM in London

Thursday October 29 2020 14:30 PM in London



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